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In Case You Haven’t Heard
Indulge me in a quick break from my normal subject matter. I’ve been tweeting a lot today about the horrible murders committed by abortion “doctor” Kermit Gosnell. Over the last 24 hours there has been a sustained social media campaign to shine the light on this. It is obvious that the largely pro-abortion media is…
Monday Mayhem
As you may have noticed, the “Daily Dozen” feature has ground to a halt. I realized that the last thing I needed right now was another hard deadline. However, I still wanted a way to share some of the great links I come across. Enter Monday Mayhem. It’s once a week, and there’s no built-in…

Thanksgiving at Ebenezer–not what you think
Brazilian churches have a tradition that their American counterparts might want to consider adopting. When a member of the church receives a blessing, or an answer to prayer, they often call the church together–either in their home or at the church building itself–for a thanksgiving service. This is a sweet, genuine expression of gratefulness, and…
Camp Elim: The Way Forward
For the first part of this year it has been a major struggle to do any kind of work at the camp we purchased in Morros in late 2011. Conflicting schedules and the priority of getting a fledgling congregation off the ground have made it difficult to begin any sustained work there. However, the dream…
Close Encounters of the Slithery Kind
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Driveby Book Reviews
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