Close Encounters of the Slithery Kind
We don’t always encounter snakes on our way to prayer meeting, but when we do, well…watch.
We don’t always encounter snakes on our way to prayer meeting, but when we do, well…watch.
Here are some pictures of the “miracle in Morros” mentioned in our most recent prayer letter. Getting ready to travel. The village of Bom Gosto (Good Taste) Relaxing in the river. Cottage industry: making farinha Jadson with some of the neighborhood kids. Neighborhood boy demonstrates his improvised, functional, toy gun. The service begins. Abreu at…
The following is an excerpt from our most recent prayer letter: I wish I could transmit to you the beautiful scene I witnessed at the cemetery on Wednesday. After the short devotional the casket containing Pastor Francisco’s mortal remains was wheeled out of the little chapel and towards the grave site. The crowd (and it…
As you may have noticed, the “Daily Dozen” feature has ground to a halt. I realized that the last thing I needed right now was another hard deadline. However, I still wanted a way to share some of the great links I come across. Enter Monday Mayhem. It’s once a week, and there’s no built-in…
But it’s Tuesday! I know. Hush. Surprise! Brazilian man shows up, alive, at his own funeral. As political as this blog is going to get… When Americans saw the real Obama. For Calvin fans The original Spaceman Spiff? Sage advice for those interested in publishing a book. Lego Creation of the Week When in Rome……
Our camera was on the fritz on Saturday, but fortunately someone else snapped a few pictures. Here are three I thought you would enjoy. Between the canvassing and the open air service, we had food. We are Baptists, after all. This is the open-air service in progress. And yes, we are right in front of…
Truckers strikes and fuel shortages did not stop our dedicated workers from holding Kids Club this afternoon at the Ebenezer congregation. As you can see from the pictures, the numbers have increased since Pastor Francivaldo launched this ministry a couple weeks ago.