Church Construction, on the Move!
A quick trip to the Ebenézer construction site this afternoon yielded these photos.
A quick trip to the Ebenézer construction site this afternoon yielded these photos.
Dear friends, As the first months of 2024 have passed in a whirlwind, we are constantly reminded of the words of our Lord, spoken through the prophet Isaiah: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are…
On Saturday we hosted some of the kids from our Ebenezer Kids Club at our house. It was a blast! Here’s a video summary of the event: ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that clicking…
If you read our most recent newsletter, you may remember that we mentioned a return to Ebenezer Baptist Church, the congregation we planted back in 2012. As of last Sunday, I was officially installed as pastor of the church. Itacyara and I have jumped back into ministry there with both feet, and are very optimistic…
Our co-worker Francivaldo and his beautiful bride Géssica officially tied the knot in a lovely ceremony on Saturday – a ceremony at which I had the privilege of bringing a challenge from the Word to the young couple. Here, with some adaptation…and memes…are my remarks to them. Francivaldo and Géssica, you need to be aware…
Our once-a-year BMMB conference is always a special highlight for our family. This year it was held near the city of Fortaleza, in the state of Ceará, and featured outstanding preaching by Pastor David de Bruyn, of Johannesburg, South Africa. Finally, the conference took place next to a popular park on the beach called…wait for…
Rebecca is a sweet ten-year-old girl in our church who was so looking forward to her birthday party, scheduled for last Saturday. Unfortunately, the Corona Virus stepped in and changed those plans. Needless to say, she was very disappointed. Unable to visit, I decided to send this letter instead. Perhaps it will help others dealing…