Blast From The Past

Missions Trips 2013

Almost every year we have been in Brazil we have hosted at least one church missions team. This year we hosted two. The first team was from Open Bible Baptist Church in Orange City, Florida, led by Pastor Paul Youmans. They were followed–almost immediately–by a group from Grace Baptist Church in Batavia, NY, led by…

Blast From The Past

First Wedding

Busy schedules, spotty internet access, and archaic blogging software (I’m talking to you, Movable Type) have conspired to keep me away from this blog for some time. Today, however, I am determined to plow through all that and put up some updates, in the hope that by evening there will be enough material for a…

Blast From The Past

Miracle in Morros (Photos)

Here are some pictures of the “miracle in Morros” mentioned in our most recent prayer letter. Getting ready to travel. The village of Bom Gosto (Good Taste) Relaxing in the river. Cottage industry: making farinha Jadson with some of the neighborhood kids. Neighborhood boy demonstrates his improvised, functional, toy gun. The service begins. Abreu at…

Blast From The Past

Camp Elim: The Way Forward

For the first part of this year it has been a major struggle to do any kind of work at the camp we purchased in Morros in late 2011. Conflicting schedules and the priority of getting a fledgling congregation off the ground have made it difficult to begin any sustained work there. However, the dream…

Blast From The Past

A Wrinkle in Chrome

The donkey-induced damage to my Fiatt. It was a dark and stormy night. I was returning home from a deacon’s meeting, where we discussed the exciting prospects of our congregation and made specific plans for the future. A couple items of concern were brought up, and these were weighing heavily on my brain as I…

Blast From The Past

Ebenezer Update: Weed-Whacking Warriors*

The above picture shows the men of the Ebenezer congregation (yours truly in the middle doing his best Braveheart imitation) on the recently purchased property, after having hacked through the underbrush that dominated the landscape up to that point. Next step: designing the building that will one day house a fully organized, New Testament local…