I Love New York…
Church Plant

I Love New York…

…more specifically, the Northeast Fellowship of Independent Baptist Churches (formerly the Empire State Fellowship). I was recently given the opportunity to say a few words via prerecorded video to the 75th anniversary gathering of the Fellowship. Having grown up among this group of churches and been tremendously influenced by many godly men in their midst,…

2017 Ebenezer Conference: The Reformation Continues
Church Plant

2017 Ebenezer Conference: The Reformation Continues

The Ebenezer Regular Baptist Church was happy to have Pastor Brian King and his wife, Judy, as our special speakers for the 2017 conference. With the theme “The Reformation Continues”, Pastor King brought messages that applied Reformation principles to the everyday lives of believers. We were also blessed by several special musical numbers, and a…

Church Plant

Conference Moments

In the previous post I mentioned a conference we attended last month. My friend Daniel took some amazing pictures of the event. Some of them were begging for a caption, so I produced this. To understand some of the captions, you should probably understand that the theme of the week was “Regular Baptist Dispensationalism”.

The Ebenezer Ministry Team
Church Plant

The Ebenezer Ministry Team

One of the greatest blessings I have received in recent years is the privilege of working at the Ebenezer church plant. And one of the reasons it is so “insanely great” is that I get to work with these guys – the deacons and pastoral team. As you pray for our ministry, please pray specifically…

The Work Day
Church Plant

The Work Day

In case you’re wondering about the sudden surge in posts here at ye olde blog, I’m going back and posting things I should have posted a long time ago prior to sending out a prayer letter. Here is a series of photos from a work day we had at the Ebenezer church plant a few…

A Window on the Church
Church Plant

A Window on the Church

No, not some profound ecclesiastical pondering. It’s literally a window on the (our) church. We are putting in the windows and doors in the upstairs apartment at our church building. Here is some of what the process looks like. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.. This means that clicking on these Amazon…

Family Month
Church Plant

Family Month

Among Evangelical churches here in Brazil, May has been designated “Family Month”. Sermons, activities, and conferences are organized around the theme of “The Family”. This, of course, is in response to the massive disintegration of family life here (something our US brethren know all about, as well). This year I was invited to speak at…

Good Pizza and Great Plans
Church Plant

Good Pizza and Great Plans

Last night Pastor Francivaldo and I met with the leadership of the Ebenezer youth group at a local pizza parlor. There, around three magnificent pies, we listened to the ideas and dreams of the young people for their group, and set forth our philosophy of church/youth ministry. Look for great things to come from this group of…

Maranhão Missionary Conference, 2017
Church Plant

Maranhão Missionary Conference, 2017

Last week our association of churches held it’s third missionary conference. The speaker, Pastor Misael (who, incidentally, pastors the church where the Brazilian Bombshell and I were married almost 17 years ago) challenged us from the Word. Besides the biblical edification, conferences like these bring our churches together around a common cause, with the side…