Best of Brazil: Drone Footage of Paraty
Best of Brazil

Best of Brazil: Drone Footage of Paraty

One of the things we like to do here at this blog is highlight the immense natural and cultural beauty of the country in which God has called us to serve. This particular city, Paraty, is one I have never visited, but it is on my short list. Enjoy! ____________________ Did you enjoy this post?…

Best of Brazil: Rio de Janeiro in 1909
Best of Brazil

Best of Brazil: Rio de Janeiro in 1909

This is one of the oldest film reels from Brazil that I have seen, showing Rio de Janeiro in 1909. For some perspective, the first Baptist Mid Missions missionaries arrived here in the 1930’s. Also…my opinion…Rio was a much nicer place back then. ____________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our…

Best of Brazil: Toucan Play That Game
Best of Brazil | Funny

Best of Brazil: Toucan Play That Game

Ok, that title was lame. But this video of a toucan captured by a traffic camera went viral a while ago here in Brazil. Check it out: On Thursdays we share interesting videos and/or cultural features from Brazil. To see some of our previous “Best of Brazil” posts, click here. ____________________ Did you enjoy this…

Best of Brazil: From Brazil to Slovenia – Perpetuum Jazzile sings “Aquarela do Brasil”
Best of Brazil | Musical Interlude

Best of Brazil: From Brazil to Slovenia – Perpetuum Jazzile sings “Aquarela do Brasil”

With the help of a Brazilian acappella group called BR6, this group of Eastern Europeans does an admirable job at both reproducing the Bossa Nova sound and the Portuguese language. ______________________ Did you enjoy this post? Consider making a donation to our ministry in Brazil. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This…