Camp Elim: The Way Forward
For the first part of this year it has been a major struggle to do any kind of work at the camp we purchased in Morros in late 2011. Conflicting schedules and the priority of getting a fledgling congregation off the ground have made it difficult to begin any sustained work there.
However, the dream of beginning a camp ministry here is far from over. Last month I took some bricklayers out to the property, and together we came up with a plan to get the camp functional for day-long activities, or weekend camp-outs by the end of the year.
The following are the steps we will take to make this happen:
1. In June and July we will be hosting two groups from the US. As part of their ministry here, they will each spend a day helping us clear out the front of the camp, and make other pre-construction preparations.
2. In the middle of July I will spend a week at the camp with the bricklayers. Together (and hopefully with the help of other men of the church) we build a gated wall along the part of the property that faces the highway.
3. Beginning in August, I will take small crews to the camp every other weekend. From there to December we will build simple bathrooms, and a pavilion for eating and other activities. This will involve digging a well, and hooking up electricity. We will also clear out spaces for tents and other activities.
4. Sometime in December or January we will hold an official inauguration for the “Acampamento Elim”.
This work has taken on a certain urgency, as we have seen a tremendous door open for us in the area of the camp.
So how can you help? Glad you asked. There are at least three ways:
Pray. Ask God to provide resources and manpower to complete this phase of the work.
Contribute. If you would like to help with the purchase of construction materials, send me an email and I will let you know how.
Participate. Perhaps you have a particular construction skill, or your church has a group of men who like to “get their hands dirty” with this kind of project. Get in touch with me, and we can set up a time for you to come down and help us finish the project.