Blast From The Past

Daily Dozen

I’m Just Like Pelé…except I’m terrible at soccer. What could make a trip to the dentist worse? This. For those interested in publishing What Rachel Gardner sees on the horizon. That Seventies Show Featuring…Osama bin Laden? Lego Creation of the Day For my bro David. Understanding Philosophy With the help of bright colors and simple…

Blast From The Past

Daily Dozen

The Brazilian Economy is the subject of an informative new blog called Brazilian Bubble. If you are interested in all things Brazil, you should check it out. And Speaking of Brazil…the airports here could use some help, especially with the World Cup approaching. Also From Brazil…armored cars, they aren’t just for banks anymore. Lego Creation…

Blast From The Past

Why is That in the Bible?

The following is an adaptation of a post on our Brazilian blog, which in turn is an adaptation of the message preached last night at the Kerigma congregation. In our congregation here in São Luís I am preaching a series of messages from the book of Gênesis. Yesterday, we arrived at chapter 9, verses 20…


Camp Update

On Thursday Itacyara and I, along with one of our deacons, went to the camp property to take care of some administrative tasks and prepare for this-week’s workday. While we were there, we snapped some pictures. This picture was taken standing on a high point, looking back towards the road. The location of the road…

Missionary Max

And Finally…

This announcement was supposed to go live a week ago, but events took over, and I am just getting to it now. So…here it is: Widgets The third and final installment of “The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max” is now available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. I know many of you have eagerly…

Blast From The Past

Look to Jesus!

The following is an excerpt from our most recent prayer letter: I wish I could transmit to you the beautiful scene I witnessed at the cemetery on Wednesday. After the short devotional the casket containing Pastor Francisco’s mortal remains was wheeled out of the little chapel and towards the grave site. The crowd (and it…

Farewell, Friend
Family News | Writings

Farewell, Friend

This was not the post I had planned on writing today, and even now, as my fingers move, I can scarcely believe what I am seeing appear on the screen. As I was getting ready to teach an English class last night, the phone rang. It was a lady from our church, imploring me to…

Blast From The Past

Guitar-Based Outreach

I hope you will briefly indulge me as I brag on one of the young men in our church. Francivaldo has been with our church-plant since the beginning. And even before that, he participated in another church plant in the community–one that eventually closed down. I have met few young people with a greater or…

Blast From The Past

Hear Ye, Hear Ye

If you aren’t subscribed to the “Comings and Goings” newsletter, you can read the latest one here. This issue gives some exciting updates regarding different areas of our ministry. The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max, Parts 1 and 2 are now available for Kindle and Nook!