Missionary Max

Max Moment: The Obama Promo

In which The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max (affiliate link) gets some word-of-mouth from a few unlikely sources: Feel free to share the above video on Facebook, Youtube, or the social media site of your choice. The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max, Parts 1, 2 and 3 are now available for Kindle and Nook!

Family News

Scout’s Honor

This was supposed to post over a week ago, but I am just now working getting to a large and growing blog backlog. What follows are a couple pictures of Michael’s and my promise ceremony with the Brazilian Scouts. Back when we started participating in the scouting program I decided that it would be something…


Luau on the Beach (or…Suffering for Jesus in Brazil)

Our last activity with the Kerigma youth group was a luau on one of Sao Luis’ spectacular beaches. While it was bittersweet, due to our impending departure, the ambiance was relaxing and therapeutic. Here is a picture of Itacyara and I with our outstanding group of teens: More pictures here. The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary…

Missionary Max

Max Moment: Reviews and Interviews

The past couple of weeks saw two new reviews of The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max hit cyberspace. First up, a review that originally ran in the bulletin of our home church in Lakeland Florida, written by the associate pastor (also…my brother). Money quote: “…the action, romance and multi-layered plots will keep just about anyone…

Blast From The Past

Daily Dozen

The Avengers …and theology The Avengers …in high school Tips for Preachers, 1 Preach through whole books. Tips for Preachers, 2 Make a bee-line to the Cross. Lego Creation of the Day Legos and trains…can it get any better than this? I submit that it cannot. Tanks You’re welcome. Tanks Again You’re welcome again. Mothers,…

Sadness and Hope
Church Plant | Writings

Sadness and Hope

The following are excerpts from our most recent prayer letter. You can read the whole thing here. The past month and a half has been for us–without a doubt–the most difficult of our ministry since we arrived in Brazil. Our walk through the valley began on April 2nd, when our beloved co-worker Francisco Bezerra was…

Blast From The Past

Daily Dozen

Aaaaaand….we’re back! Honest Lawyers There are some. Brain Teasers Just in case your brain needs a good teasing. The More Things Change… …the more they stay the same. Lego Creation of the Day This little light (house) of mine… You Can’t Tell a Book By It’s Cover But you might be able to tell it…

Missionary Max

Max Moment: Author Interview

Earlier this week we were pleased to a very kind review by book-blogger extraordinaire (and my sister-in-law) Kalyn Comings. Today, she has continued the Missionary Max mania with an interview with the author–yours truly. I had fun answering her questions, and I hope they give you some insight into the “why” and “wherefore” of The…