Missionary Max

Max Moment: The Hawker Hart

A Hawker Hart in flight. img src In Max’s first adventures on Cabrito, a World War Two airplane called the “Hawker Hart” plays a key role. Here is what the book has to say about the plane: “The Hawker Hart was an airplane whose time never came. A sturdy biplane built by Great Britain between…

Blast From The Past

Monday Mayhem

Here is our ever-popular weekly list of assorted links for your edification, and entertainment. Got a new church website? How to bring it up to speed. Who is really being marginalized here? Hint: it’s not Anderson Cooper. DJ Turntables For those 1910 grooves. “In America, they haven’t spoken it for years.” And in Texas, it…

Family News

Moving Day

Many of you were aware that we spent last week moving from one part of Sao Luis (the Parque Timbira neighborhood) to another (the Turu neighborhood). We are very happy with the new house God has provided for us, and for the new area in which we live. The official moving day was Thursday, and…

Blast From The Past

Monday Mayhem

My house is strewn with boxes, the phone is ringing off the hook, and my schedule just keeps filling up. The term “mayhem” seems especially appropriate today. So, after a week off while hosting the FOCUS missions team, here is this week’s collection of random links. More than a Dream A fascinating interview with Phil…


FOCUS Report

Once again Itacyara and I have had the privilege of hosting a team from the US. This is our fifth team since we arrived on the field in 2005, and the second to visit us from Fellowship Baptist Church in Lakeland, FL–our sending church. Every team that has come down has been an adventure, and…


Amazing Picture

I didn’t take this picture, it probably won’t win any photography awards, and most likely nobody will “repin” it on Pinterest. Yet, this is a truly amazing picture, for several reasons. * It represents men from two congregations here in São Luís–Kerigma and First Baptist–working together at our camp property. * It was taken at…

Blast From The Past

First Kids Club in Rio São João

Our first Kids Club in the Rio Sao Joao bairro went better than we dared to dream. Here are some pictures of the event: At first, only a few kids showed up. Still, this was better than what we expected. Simone, Itacyara, Rose, and Francivaldo teach Romans 3:23 Of course there had to be puppets……

Blast From The Past

Intrepid Adventurers

This group of young people (and young-at-heart people) will be visiting us here in Sao Luis from June 9th to the 18th. Their group is called F.O.C.U.S (Fellowship of Christians United in Service), and they are from our sending church in Lakeland, Florida. We are very excited about their visit, and the doors that have…

Blast From The Past

Monday Mayhem

As you may have noticed, the “Daily Dozen” feature has ground to a halt. I realized that the last thing I needed right now was another hard deadline. However, I still wanted a way to share some of the great links I come across. Enter Monday Mayhem. It’s once a week, and there’s no built-in…