Blast From The Past

Monday Mayhem

But it’s Tuesday! I know. Hush. Surprise! Brazilian man shows up, alive, at his own funeral. As political as this blog is going to get… When Americans saw the real Obama. For Calvin fans The original Spaceman Spiff? Sage advice for those interested in publishing a book. Lego Creation of the Week When in Rome……

Blast From The Past

Monday Mayhem

For those of you who missed this “regular” feature for the last few weeks, it’s baaaaaaack! Pretty Cool Streamlined cars, from back when cars were works of art. The Aérotrain Still wish this kind of public transportation had caught on. Interesting The fundamentalist website Sharper Iron recently posted a thought-provoking series called “Christians and Mythology”….

Church Plant

“Te Amamos, Deus”

Two weeks ago we were treated to a special number by some of the children at Ebenézer. Here, finally, is the video: ***If you open the post on one page, you can see the whole thing*** The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max, Parts 1, 2 and 3 are now available for Kindle and Nook!

Musical Interlude

Brazilian Musical Interlude: Tristeza

Samba. When you take away the gyrating pelvises, the drunken parades, the glitter, the marketing, the industry… …when you strip off all the frills and let the music speak for itself… …it speaks volumes about the Brazilian soul. The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max, Parts 1, 2 and 3 are now available for Kindle and…

Book Reviews

Drive-by Book Reviews

Here are my evaluations of my latest reading adventures: The Lost Continent by Edgar Rice Burroughs Edgar Rice Burroughs fantasy about what would happen if the Western Hemisphere had cut itself off completely from the rest of the world. In short, Europe is a shambles, dominated and enslaved by an African civilization, and in the…

Family News

Mikey Plays Futsal

Please indulge the impulse of a proud father to share photos of his son tearing up the futsal (a kind of soccer played on cement) court. He plays on his school team (shown above) on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and almost every day with the neighborhood kids. He had gone from not being able to do…


The Party at My Place

On Saturday one of the local politicians–in the hopes of garnering votes–sponsored a big “folklore” party at my house. And by that I mean, if you stepped out of my front door, you were literally in the party. Since I wasn’t going to be sleeping much that night (these things go into the wee hours)…