Blast From The Past

Men of Iron (or Iron Men, if you prefer)

One of my great desires in our ministry at the Ebenézer congregation is that God would raise up a group of godly men who will form a core of masculine leadership for the church. In this endeavor we face the obstacles of an increasingly matriarchal society, an inherently effeminate dominant religion, and the surging tide…

Missionary Max

Max Moment: Milestone and Reviews

A couple weeks ago I typed out the final words in the first draft of the second (as yet unnamed) Missionary Max book. I have to say, I’m more excited about this one than I was the first…there is nonstop adventure, action, and some pretty surprising twists. They were even surprising to me. If all…

Family News

Mikey’s Manger

One of the more rewarding aspects of our time here in São Luís has been our participation in the Brazilian Boy Scout movement. Among other things, it has provided incentive for some great father-son projects. Mikey is well on his way to getting his “Bible-knowledge” badge, and one of the options for completion is the…

Blast From The Past

Happy New Year, and Stay Tuned…

There are a lot of things on my plate today, including (drum roll please) updating this blog. But first, a video of the New Years’ fireworks being launched from ships just off the coast of São Luís. The footage was shot from the upper veranda of our house. Since we last reported, there have been…

Blast From The Past

Missionary Conference Photos

This is a little late, but here are some pictures of the Maranhão State Regular Baptist Association missionary conference, 2012. A group from the First Baptist Church gives a presentation. Pastor Clederson (from Barbalha, CE) brings the message. An impromptu pastor’s trio. Itacyara and friends The men in black. The Astonishing Adventures of Missionary Max,…