Put Not Your Trust in Princes…or Presidents
Brazil | Writings

Put Not Your Trust in Princes…or Presidents

October 27, 2002. I was sitting with the Brazilian Bombshell in a Brazilian restaurant in Orlando, FL. It was my birthday, and Brazilian cuisine was my present. It was also the birthday of one Luís Inácio “Lula” da Silva, and his birthday present was a little bigger: he had just been elected President of Brazil….

A Sneak Peek
Missionary Max

A Sneak Peek

I’ve been keeping this under wraps for a couple weeks, but I can’t hold it in any longer. Behold, the cover art for “Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess” Brazilian comic book artist Zilson Costa has done a phenomenal job of capturing the exact look and feel of one of the climactic scenes of the…

New Construction Pictures
Church Plant

New Construction Pictures

A mini-collage of the latest pictures sent to us from the Ebenézer construction site. The links below are affiliate links. This means that clicking and making purchases is one way you can help our work. Also, don’t forget to check out our sister site dedicated to all things Brazilian.