Blast From The Past | Brazil

About the Most Recent Brazilian Protests

Some quick observations: 1. The stated reason for the protest was a reduction in Social Security benefits. Many Brazilians are upset that the retirement age has been increased. The Brazilian government is trying to deal with a system that has no more money – something the American government is going to have to deal with…

Good Pizza and Great Plans
Church Plant

Good Pizza and Great Plans

Last night Pastor Francivaldo and I met with the leadership of the Ebenezer youth group at a local pizza parlor. There, around three magnificent pies, we listened to the ideas and dreams of the young people for their group, and set forth our philosophy of church/youth ministry. Look for great things to come from this group of…

Bibles for Bricklayers
Family News

Bibles for Bricklayers

Missions is not just carried out in formal preaching/teaching sessions. Indeed, for the most part it is dealing with people you meet in everyday life. Like the workers who are building our house. In conversations with them, I discovered that four of them had no Bibles. So we took care of that problem. Since then I’ve…

Maranhão Missionary Conference, 2017
Church Plant

Maranhão Missionary Conference, 2017

Last week our association of churches held it’s third missionary conference. The speaker, Pastor Misael (who, incidentally, pastors the church where the Brazilian Bombshell and I were married almost 17 years ago) challenged us from the Word. Besides the biblical edification, conferences like these bring our churches together around a common cause, with the side…

Raising the Roof
Church Plant

Raising the Roof

When we returned from our furlough in January we found several issues that needed to be cared for in the church construction project. By far the biggest and most urgent of these was the roof. Fixing this involved building up one side of the structure in order to put in clay tiles (as opposed to…

Camp Bathroom Construction

Camp Bathroom Construction

These are pictures of the construction of our camp bathroom…the first building to be built on the camp property. I will keep adding pictures until the project is completed, so keep checking back for updates!

This New House
Family News

This New House

Many have been following the progress of the construction of our house via Facebook. I have decided to include a photoset here on the site, featuring the process from A to Z. I’ll keep adding pictures as time goes by.

Pastor Francivaldo
Church Plant

Pastor Francivaldo

Last Sunday marked the fulfillment of a dream over four years in the making. Four years ago the fledgling Ebenezer church plant sent one of its most helpful young men, Francivaldo, to Bible college. We believed then that we were making an investment in the future of the kingdom – an investment that involved sacrifice, as…

Motorcycle Mishap

Motorcycle Mishap

The following is an adaptation of a report I posted to Facebook. I have updated it and modified it to fit the blog format. We arrived at camp on Friday afternoon and set about contracting workers for the various jobs that need to be done. As we were pulling out of the home of the last…

Back to Camp

Back to Camp

Thanks to a generous donation, work at the Mount Zion Regular Baptist Camp has begun once again. Together with Michael and Francielio (a young man from the Ebenézer church) I spent last weekend cutting the weeds that had grown up in front of our property, and contracting workers for the next steps of the construction….