Missionary Max

A Morning with Miss Elliot’s Kids

This morning I got to do one of my all-time favorite things: talk to a group of kids about missions, Brazil, and Missionary Max. This time it was at the invitation of Miss Elliot of the Portage Christian School in Portage, IN. They recently added the Missionary Max books to their library, and thought it would be a good idea to have a talk with the author. Personally, I was tickled pink to have the opportunity.

During the course of our conversation, the kids asked several questions…some of the best of which I reproduce here, along with my answers:

Do you like living in Brazil? I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else in the world.

How did you think of Missionary Max? If a boring profession like archaeology could have a fictional hero like Indiana Jones, why couldn’t an inherently exciting one like missions have a fictional hero?

How tall are you? Five feet, eight inches, last I checked.

Do you prefer writing fiction or non-fiction? (a second-grader asked this!) Fiction, hands down. It’s much easier to get the story right when you’re making it up in the first place.

How many books do you think you’ll write? As many as I can crank out while I’m still alive.

How long did it take you to write your books? Missionary Max and the Jungle Princess took about six months. Missionary Max and the Lost City took over a year.

A special thanks to Miss Elliot – with whom I had the privilege of serving both as a short-termer and then in our first term of missionary service here in Brazil – for setting up this very enjoyable morning. And if you work in a Christian School and would like to have a similar “visit” from the author of the Missionary Max books, send me a message and we’ll set it up!

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